Players who are under the age of six years old (but older than four years old) on January 1st of the Fall Soccer Season will play in the6- U Age Group (Note: These players will be in the 6-U Age Group for both the Fall then Spring Seasons).
6-U Age Group is a Co-Ed age group in which players get their first taste of, "team sports". 6-U Teams practice once a week. Practice times are determined by the coach, but will be on a Monday - Thursday evening, typically between 5:30 - 7:30pm. On Saturday mornings, the teams will take part in a 30 minute, half-field, practice followed by a 30 minute 3 vs. 3 game. The game is conducted on a small-sided field without referees and the coaches are on the field with the players during the game
6-U players will use a Size 3 soccer ball.